Incense Holder
No Risk No Reward/Perhpas Perfume
3 x 2 ft
gum on panels
Let Me Play with Barbie
Sculpture & Photoshop
Twarbie/Mother Of Twins
3 ft
babrie doll covered with plaster, clay, oil paint, gloss, glue...
God Jr.
28 x 16 x 9 inches
Mixed Media
Glass Babies
Picnic Table Installation
Click for video
CHess Board
plexi glass, clay
Cochineal Cake
mixed media

Toilet Installation
Click for video
Handmade Books
cardboard, paper, sewing
Harlequin Beetle
Bioplastic Water Spill
bioplastic, dye, wire, paper mache
Grape Light
wax, LED light, paper mache